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Turning the rug game on its head!

Hello to all you rug aficionados and interior enthusiasts. This one's tailored just for you!

We're thrilled to introduce you to > rugs, where we're reimagining the rug experience, one thread at a time.

Who Are We?

We're not your run-of-the-mill rug makers, we're the innovators in the rug world. > rugs is an extension of our esteemed > brand, recognised for its unwavering commitment to quality and sustainability within the commercial furniture industry. United by a shared vision and a passion for crafting personality-packed products, we've decided to bring our expertise to ground level, your floors!

What Sets Us Apart?

Now, you might be thinking, "Isn't a rug just a rug?" Think again! > rugs blend style, sustainability and pure originality. We're not interested in the ordinary, we're here to redefine what a rug can be.

Handcrafted in Europe, our rugs radiate quality in every fibre, each proudly showcasing its unique charm.

But wait, there's more! We're all about customisation. What about a rug that reflects the vibrant colors of your cherished childhood memories? We're up for the challenge! Our complete customisation options put you in the driver's seat, bringing your rug visions to life.

Our Commitment to the Planet

We're more than just rug makers, we're dedicated stewards of the environment. Sustainability is at the heart of our mission. We source a remarkable 90% of our water from a natural spring, use certified dyes and reduce water waste by an impressive 30% compared to traditional methods.

What Lies Ahead?

> rugs is more than a brand, it's a movement. We're here to revolutionise the world of rugs, one thread at a time.

Stay tuned for exciting updates, design inspirations and some > fun! We've got exciting plans in store.

Here's to a rug revolution!

> news

Custom made rugs, redefined.

Custom made rugs, redefined.

In a world where boundaries are fluid, bespoke is our middle name.

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